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Mikro e.V. Verein zur Pflege von Medienkulturen in Berlin KONTAKT: info@mikro-berlin.org tel: 0177 225 37 97, fax: +49 30 44 34 18 12 mikro.terminemikro.linx mikro.mailmikro.home |
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mikro.art.links |
by inke@snafu.de - please contribute
news & changes. Last updated 27 March 2002. For current (online) exhibitions
and events see also the mikro.schedule]
and Artists Groups
or <http://www.medienkunstnetz.de> for updates regarding a change of URLs AES artgroup <http://aes.zhurnal.ru> [7 Dez 99] Daniel Garcia Andujar:
Technologies to the People <http://www.irational.org/daniel/>
ArchiVirus <http://www.sil.at/m/AV/> [7 Dez 99] Arosa 2000 <http://www-cui.darmstadt.gmd.de/~arosa/main/index.html> [7 Dez 99] Art+Com / Joachim Sauter and Dirk Lüsebrink, Der Zerseher / The De-Viewer, 1991-92, interactive installation <http://www.artcom.de> aRTwARpEACE Sculpture Plan <http://www.thing.de/artwarpeace/1awpbase/awp1.htm> [7 Dez 99] ASCII Art Ensemble <http://www.desk.nl/a/a/e> Rachel Baker / Trina Mould <http://www.irational.org/tm/>; find here also Rachel Baker's Millenium Jingle Contest <http://www.irational.org/tm/millenium/> [7 Dez 99] Blank&Jeron (sero.org),
Scanner++, 1998 <http://sero.org/scanner>
Natalia Borissova,
virtual "wash-saloon" - give me your dirty love
Heath Bunting, _readme (Own, Be Owned Or Remain Invisible), 1998 <http://www.irational.org/heath/_readme.html> candy factory <http://www.bekkoame.or.jp/i/ga2750/check/hallucination.html>
Center for Hardwired Arts <http://www.verybusy.org> [8 March 00] The CONET Project: Recordings of Shortwave Numbers Stations <http://www.ibmpcug.co.uk/~irdial/conet.htm> [7 Dez 99] convex tv. <http://www.art-bag.net/convextv> Vuk Cosic: No Land's Man <http://www.vuk.org/> [7 Dez 99] Dellbrügge & de Moll - H A M B U R G_E R S A T Z_2.0 <http://hamburg-ersatz.trmd.de/enter.htm> [7 Dez 99] The Digital Landfill : Shred the Web! Clean up the Web! Dispose of your unwanted e-mail, obsolete data, HTML, SPAM or any other digital debris just by clicking the Add to Landfill button. All refuse is automatically layered into the Digital Landfill composting system. <http://www.potatoland.org/landfill/> [7 Dez 99] Peter Dittmer: Die
Amme <http://www.snafu.de/~boxnd/index.html>
[7 Dez 99]
The Japanese performance group dumb type <http://dt.ntticc.or.jp/> - don't miss them when they're around! etoy - leaving reality behind <http://www.etoy.com/> WAR IS OVER!* on february 18, 2000 11 AM (PACIFIC TIME) the etoy.LAWYERS chris truax in san diego and peter e. wild in zurich informed the etoy.MANAGEMENT about the final dismissal of the insane complaint filed by eToys Inc./santa monica against the etoy.CORPORATION after 81 days of war at the court, on the net, at the stock market and in the press. now the TOYWAR.troops and hundreds of exhausted internet resistance soldiers are marching off the battlefields after they succeeded in relieving the enemy occupation of etoy's territory www.etoy.com. this is a historical moment for both etoy and the involved toy guerrilla. the victory parade takes place right here / right now, on the historical site. the celebration of this glorious triumph will last for exactly 1000 years! [8 March 00] Micz Flor and Florian Clausz, CyberTattoo, 1996 <http://www.art-bag.net/CyberTattoo/> Holger Friese / Max Kossatz, www.antworten.de, 1997 <http://www.antworten.de> Glassbox, Paris <http://www.icono.org/glassbox>, is an artists' group with an independent art space [7 Dez 99] Valéry Grancher
- NoMemory <http://www.imaginet.fr/nomemory/data/index.htm>
Handshake, 1993 - 1994/95 <http://sero.org/handshake/> Klaus Heid: Khuza. Ein Mythos aus Sibirien <http://www.tuareg.de/khuza/> [7 Dez 99] Perry Hoberman <http://www.hoberman.com/>, see also the Cathartic User Interface <http://www.hoberman.com/perry/php/cui/index.html> [7 Dez 99] Erik Hobijn / Andreas Broeckmann: Techno-Parasites <http://www.kombinat.de/parasites/text.html> [7 Dez 99] I/O/D, Webstalker, 1997 <http://www.backspace.org/iod> IF XS <http://ifxs.c3.hu/> [7 Dez 99] Aleksandar Ilic: WEEKEND
ART: HALLELUJAH THE HILL <http://www.fraclr.org/weekend.htm>.
Performance by: Ivana Keser, Tomislav Gotovac, Aleksandar Ilic. Every week
new photographs of each Sunday performance will be presented. HALLELUJAH
THE HILL is a series of photographs taken on Sundays on the Medvednica
Mountain near Zagreb, Croatia. This work in progress started in 1996.
Igor Stromajer: INTIMA
Virtual Base <http://www2.arnes.si/~ljintima2/>
Margarete Jahrmann: KONSUM <http://konsum.net/> Jodi <http://www.jodi.org> Kinderfield Inc. scammed
media, Berlin
Knowbotic Research:
IO_dencies <http://io.khm.de/>
Olia Lialina <http://www.design.ru/olialia/> Sebastian Lütgert /
rolux, Interface for the Offener Kanal, Internet and TV, since March 2000,
co-production rolux/twenfm/Kulturserver/Offener Kanal Berlin
makrolab <http://makrolab.ljudmila.org/>. Web manifestation of Makrolab by Marko Peljhan and projekt atol, done for Documenta X 1997. MEGO <http://www.mego.at/> Seiko Mikami: World,
Membrane and the Dismembered Body (1997)
m9ndfkc / antiorp / nezvanova netochka / god-emil.dk <http://m9ndfkc.com> Merel Mirage: Poem*Navigator <http://www.khm.de/~merel> MISTER NET.ART <http://www.irational.org/tm/mr> - Mister net.art contest website - find out winners and loosers! mongrel <http://www.mongrel.org.uk/> the multi-cultural recycler <http://shoko.calarts.edu/~alex/recycler.html> the napier homepage <http://www.users.interport.net/~napier/> Ellen Nonnenmacher: < > Noton - Archiv fuer Ton und Nichtton <http://www.raster-noton.de/> NSK Electronic Embassy <http://www.ljudmila.org/embassy/>. The Electronic Embassy of the globaly renowned slovenian arts group Neue Slowenische Kunst. Old Boys Network <http://www.obn.org/> The P.A.R.A.S.I.T.E. Museum of Contemporary Art: The PMCA's mission is to collect, preserve, present, and interpret contemporary art & life and to engage a broad and diverse audience through these activities. <http://www.ljudmila.org/scca/parasite/> Daniela Alina Plewe - Ultima Ratio <http://www.soi.city.ac.uk/homes/msch/ultima/ultima.html> Ponton / Van Gogh TV, Piazza Virtuale, 1992, documenta 9, Kassel, interactive television project <http://www.ponton.de/> Prometheus web-site, devoted to light-music, Scriabin, synaesthesia (texts are both in Russian and English) <http://prometheus.kai.ru> Protoplast <http://www.protoplast.ch/> ||| re.state = kreat1f
collekt1v |||
RTMark: "Bringing IT to YOU". RTMark was established in 1991 to further anti- corporate activism, often by channelling funds from donors to workers for the sabotage of corporate products. Recent and upcoming acts of RTMARK-aided subversion are documented on RTMARK's web site, <http://rtmark.com/> Christoph Schlingensief, Bitte liebt Österreich! (Please love Austria!), June 2000 <http://www.auslaenderraus.at> Sensorium <http://www.sensorium.org> The Wonder-World of Sero.¤rg <http://sero.org/>. A special offer by sero.¤rg: Dump your trash! <http://sero.org/sero/dyt/>: Get a marble hard copy of your home page! [see also Blank&Jeron] Alexei Shulgin: EASYLIFE <http://www.easylife.org/> Cornelia Sollfrank: Net Art Generator <http://www.obn.org/generator> Conor McGarrigle: Spook
... <http://www.stunned.org/spook/>
March 00]
Josephine Starrs: Diagnostic Tools for the New Millennium <http://newweb.banff.org/projects/starrs/index.html> Station Rose <http://www.stationrose.com> Technosphere <http://lcp20.lond-inst.ac.uk/TechnoSphere/index.html>
Christian Vanderborght & Mike Hentz: UNIVERSCITY TV, Quebec <http://www.canalweb.net> (click CHAINES / click UNI TV) VNS MATRIX: Dirty
Work for Slimey Girls
Akke Wagenaar: SCUM
Manifesto <http://www.khm.de/~akke/SCUM>
Kerstin Weiberg & Richard Schütz: off<area> <http://www.bethanien.de/off.area/> Krzysztof Wodiczko
Andrea Zapp, Little
Sister - A CCTV Drama, 2000, Internet <http://www.azapp.de/littlesister>
[You can also search the archives of the Nettime <http://www.nettime.org>, and the Syndicate mailing lists <http://www.v2.nl/syndicate>, as well as the Rhizome list <http://www.rhizome.org> for current calls for participation, etc.] "Some of My Favourite Websites are Art" <http://www.alberta.com/unfamiliarart/> is a survey of Internet art projects, curated by Rhizome editors Rachel Greene and Alex Galloway. Check our "Superbad" by Ben Benjamin, "_Readme" by Heath Bunting, 7-11, "Easylife" by Alexej Shulgin, "Brandon" by Shu Lea Cheang, read Olia Lialina's Testament, Interfere Illegally with Daniel Garcia Andujar; and there's still more candy stuff to discover... Ars Electronica, Linz <http://www.aec.at> artnetweb PROJECTS <http://artnetweb.com/artnetweb/projects/projects.html> Aurora Universalis
Final Project: Intro to computing in the arts - Nathalie Bookchin evaluating net.art! <http://jupiter.ucsd.edu/~bookchin/finalProject.html> City of Women International
Festival of Contemporary Arts (Ljubljana, Slovenia).
DaDaNet <http://www.da-da-net.ru/winners.html> discord. sabotage of realities (Hamburg 1996/97) <http://www.icf.de/discord> Dutch Electronic Arts Festival (DEAF), Rotterdam/NL <http://www.v2.nl/deaf> European Media Art Festival, Osnabrück/D <http://www.emaf.de> e x p a n d e d__m e d i a <http://www.hbk-bs.de/expm/index.html> - Hochschule für Bildende Künste Braunschweig EXTENSION - Internet als Material und Gegenstand. EXTENSION ist der Museums- raum der Hamburger Kunsthalle im Internet. Durch einen Wettbewerb, der 1997 aus Anlaß der Eröffnung der Galerie der Gegenwart ausgeschrieben wurde, sollten für EXTENSION Projekte entwickelt werden, die Internet als Material und Gegenstand begreifen. Preisträger (Flor/Clausz; Günther; Stromajer und Meierhofer), Links, Materialien... <http://www.hamburg.de/Behoerden/Museen/kh/Extension/preis.html>. Filmwinter, Stuttgart/D <http://www.filmwinter.de> International Media Art Prize, ZKM Karlsruhe/D <http://www.medienkunstpreis.de> Barbara London's trip through China, documented on the web: STIRFRY <http://www.adaweb.com/context/stir-fry/>. Barbara London's trip through Russia et al., documented on the web: InterNyet <http://www.moma.org/onlineprojects/internyet/index.html> Moft - Where East Meets West - The Artists (BG/USA) <http://www.bulgaria.com/moft> Moneynations 2. October - November 2000, Kunsthalle Exnergasse, Vienna/A <http://www.moneynations.ch> net_condition, ZKM Karlsruhe/D (1999-2000) <http://www.zkm.de/net> net_congestion, Amsterdam/NL, October 2000 <http://net.congestion.org> Next 5 Minutes Festival, Amsterdam/NL <http://www.n5m.org> Oberhausen Short Film Festival, Oberhausen/D <http://www.kurzfilmtage.de> ostranenie 93, 95, 97 <http://www.ostranenie.org> (now defunct) Shock of the View: Museums, Artists, and Audiences in the Digital Age <http://www.walkerart.org/salons/shockoftheview> is a general discussion listserv, beginning September 22, and continuing through March 1999, with a parallel series of exhibitions every 3 weeks. s m i t h s o n i a n w i t h o u t w a l l s - Revealing Things <http://www.si.edu/revealingthings/> tenacity / Widerspenstige Praktiken im Zeitalter von Informations- und Biotechnologien, New York und Zürich <http://www.thing.net/~tenacity> Transmediale Festival, Berlin/D <http://www.transmediale.de> [next festival in Feb 2001 on the theme of do it yourself (DIY)] Trash Art / Net Art ('Machinomachia' International Festival), Moscow, RUS <http://www.da-da-net.ru/TrashArt> Video Positive, Liverpool, GB <> Viper 2000: QuickTimes, Bern/CH, 25 - 29 October 2000 <http://www.viper.ch> Werkleitz Biennale, Werkleitz, Germany <http://www.werkleitz.de/biennale> world-information.org,
Brussels, Belgium <http://www.world-information.org>
Artpool Art Research Center, Budapest <http://www.artpool.hu/> C3, Budapest <http://www.c3.hu/> Canon ARTLAB, Tokyo <http://www.canon.co.jp/cast/> CAT (Communication Art Technology) - Projekt zur Schaffung eines Online-Environments fuer medienkulturelle Zusammenarbeit in Deutschland <http://imk.gmd.de/mars/cat/> CICV Pierre Schaeffer Montbeliard Belfort <http://www.cicv.fr> cybeRex, Belgrade <http://www.cyberrex.org/> ECX European Cultural Exchange <http://ecb.t0.or.at/ecx/index.html> Face Settings <http://thing.at/face/> The Fort Sztuki Association, Warsaw/PL <http://www.fortsztuki.art.pl> The Gate Foundation,a non-profit organization supported by the Ministry of Education, Culture and Science and by the Municipality of Amsterdam; the most comprehensive archive of Dutch artists as well as from international artists from Asia, Africa and Latin America <http://www.base.nl/gate>. Hull Time Based Arts, Hull/GB <http://www/htba.demon.co.uk/> Institute of Contemporary Art, Dunaújváros/HU <http://www.ica-d.hu> International Society of Electronic Arts (ISEA), various places Internationale Stadt Berlin/D <http://www.icf.de> (disappeared) KAPELICA GALLERY, Ljubljana/SLO <http://www.kapelica.org/> Kinetikon Pictures, Ljubljana/SLO & New York/USA <http://www.ljudmila.org/kinetikon/> Ljubljana Digital Media Lab, Ljubljana/SLO <http://www.ljudmila.org/> MECAD, Barcelona/E <http://www.mecad.org> Media Arts Lab/Künstlerhaus Bethanien, Berlin/D <http://www.bethanien.de/mal/index.html> Media Research Foundation, Budapest/HU <http://www.mrf.hu/> Moderna Galerija, Ljubljana/SLO <http://www.mg-lj.si/int-home.htm> MoMA, New York/USA <http://www.moma.org> Moscow MediaArtLab/RUS <http://www.sccamoscow.ru/lab/> Muu Finnland <http://muu.autono.net> NBK, Neuer Berliner Kunstverein, Berlin/D <http://www.nbk.org> Nettime mailing list & archive <http://www.nettime.org> PUBLIC NETBASE, Vienna/A <http://www.t0.or.at/> Shedhalle, in the "Rote Fabrik", Zürich <http://www.shedhalle.ch/> Soros Center for Contemporary Arts, Skopje/MAC <http://www.scca.org.mk/> Spectre, mailing list for media culture in Deep Europe <http://coredump.buug.de/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/spectre> Syndicate network & mailing list <http://www.v2.nl/syndicate> Time's Up, a Linz-based Laboratory, Linz/A <http://www.timesup.org/> V2_Organisation, Rotterdam, NL <http://www.v2.nl/ Werkleitz Gesellschaft
e.V. - Zentrum für künstlerische Bildmedien Sachsen-Anhalt
Xchange <http://xchange.re-lab.net>
Arkzin, Zagreb <http://www.arkzin.com/> ARTMargins <http://www.gss.ucsb.edu/artmargins/> ArtNetWeb & INTELLIGENT AGENT Newsletter <http://artnetweb.com/newsletter> Free B92 / B92 Free B92 <http://www.freeB92.net> Blitzreview <http://www.blitzreview.de> cinetexts <http://st1hobel.phl.univie.ac.at/cinetext/cinetexts.html> Convergence: The Journal of Research into New Media Technologies. Convergence is a paper journal, published four times a year by the University of Luton Press. For further information and details of back issues see their web site at <http://www.luton.ac.uk/Convergence>. c r a s h <http://www.crash.fr/> C R A S H M E D I A: Where Media Reaches its Critical Mass <http://www.yourserver.co.uk/crashmedia/>. Crash Media is (looking at) independent media practice; taking media criticism off the bookshelf and stacking it on the flyer table. Crash Media has been published in print as a free, bi-monthly tabloid, since the middle of March 1998. Printed on tabloid paper, each issue has a print run of 5,000. Crash Media is based in Salford/Manchester and London (UK). Each issue consists of 12 pages. Crash Media is being distributed intensively in the North West of England and London, and selectively world-wide. We are also open to any suggestions for worthwhile locations. Crash Media is extended through a digital forum. Threads generated in Crash Media on-line will be selectively reprinted in the next issue. CTheory <http://www.ctheory.com/> Culture Machine: Generating
Research in Culture and Theory
de:bug <http://www.de-bug.de/> electronic book review <http://www.altx.com/ebr/> everything magazine <http://www.easynet.co.uk/everything> Immaterial Incorporated / Cabinet Magazine <http://www.immaterial.net> Mediamatic <http://www.mediamatic.nl/> Mediorama <http://www.forum.nokia.com/nf/magazine/mediorama/index.html>, edited by Erkki Huhtamo. A rich source for texts on media archeology and on current currents... Mute <http://www.metamute.com> N.Paradoxa <http://web.ukonline.co.uk/n.paradoxa/index.htm>, an international feminist visual arts, fine art, contemporary art, online magazine about women's art practice and women artists. Neoism.Org <http://www.neoism.org> Neural.it <http://www.neural.it> Pleine Peau <http://pleine-peau.com>, edited by Frederic Madre. PLEXUS <http://plexus.org/> RADEK <http://www.geocities.com/SoHo/Coffeehouse/1457/index.htm> Rhizome <http://www.rhizome.org> Rewired - The Journal of a Strained Net <http://www.rewired.com>, edited by David Hudson. ROLUX <http://www.rolux.org>. ROLUX is a potential network for the advancement of the critical minorities. Telepolis <http://www.heise.de/tp/> Universes in Universe <http://universes-in-universe.de/>. Welten der Kunst - Information, Kommunikation, Aktion. VERSTÄRKER <http://www.culture.hu-berlin.de/verstaerker/> Year Zero One --'Year
Zero One' is a Toronto based artist run network which operates as a multifaceted
art forum, resource centre and slide registry. We have been in existence
for 3 years and are dedicated to showcasing web specific artworks and offer
the community a forum for dialogue about contemporary art practice through
on-line critical essays, reviews, and a bulletin board for arts related
b_books --> good books <http://www.txt.de/b_books>, Laden und Verlag in Berlin-Kreuzberg. Veranstaltungen: jeden montag montagsPRAXIS: 20 uhr 30. Hedy Lamarr - Hollywood-Schauspielerin und Erfinderin (Richard Brem, Christine Zmoelnig und Tobi Schaefer) <http://www.hedylamarr.at> Verschaltungskunst
(Kunst-, Medientheorie und Praxis) <http://www.is-kassel.de/vkunst>
Grossbritannien Royal College of Art
Central Saint Martins College
of Art and Design
MA Digital Arts
The Laboratory
Department of Design - School
of Design Technology
Watershed Media Centre
FACT - Foundation for Art
and Creative Technologies
School of Design Technology
- University of Hud
Centre for Electronic Arts
Middlesex University - Centre
for Electronic Arts
Newport CAIIA (Wales) (dir
Roy Ascott)
Hypermedia Research Centre
- Westminster University (London)
Dartington College of Arts
Holland HKU - Faculteit KMT: Studieprogramma
en studie
Jan van Eyck Akademie
HKU, Utrecht School of the
Arts Homepage
Gerrit Rietveld Academie,
Visual Interface Design
Herron School of Art | visual
Welcome to Design@Carnegie
Minneapolis College of Art
+ Design
School of VISUAL ARTS - Home
UCSB Center For Research
in Electronic Art Tech
School of Literature, Communication,
and Culture
NAU School of Communication
Welcome to The Art Institute
of Boston at Lesle
Al Collins Graphic Design
Walker Art Center: Bits &
Pieces (L. Weiner)
Deutschland Akademie der Bildenden
Künste, Nürnberg
Bauhaus Universität
Weimar, Fakultät Medien
Hochschule der Künste,
Hochschule für
Bildende Künste Braunschweig
Hochschule für
Grafik und Buchkunst (HGB), Leipzig
Hochschule für
Bildende Künste Hamburg
Infopool zur Medienausbildung
Universität Wuppertal,
Infos Kommunikationsdesign
Staatliche Hochschule
für Gestaltung Karlsruhe
- Fachhochschule für Kunst
INM - Institut für
Neue Medien, Frankfurt am Main
Untitled Document
Fachhochschule Hannover
FHP: Fachbereich Design
Kunsthochschule für
Medien Köln
Canada Banff
CINAC - =École
d'informatique et de Multimédia
University of Toronto
Collaborative Multimedia
Sonstige / Others ict faculty
International Academy of
Media Arts and Sciences
ICA Website
Hochschule fuer Gestaltung
und Kunst Zuerich
Ecole supérieure de
l'image, Angouleme / Poitiers
Universität für Angewandte Kunst, Ordinariat für Mediengestaltung <http://www.vis-med.ac.at> Liste von Gestaltungshochschulen