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Article 10 Torts [or delicts], cont
[2. A plaintiff may bring an action in tort in the courts of the State in which the defendant has engaged in frequent or significant activity, or has directed such activity into that State, provided that the claim arises out of that activity and the overall connection of the defendant to that State makes it reasonable that the defendant be subject to suit in that State.]
[3. The preceding paragraphs do not apply to situations where the defendant has taken reasonable steps to avoid acting in or directing activity into that State.]
[4. A plaintiff may also bring an action in accordance with paragraph 1 when the act or omission, or the injury may occur.]
[5. If an action is brought in the courts of a State only on the basis that the injury arose or may occur there, those courts shall have jurisdiction only in respect of the injury that occurred or may occur in that State, unless the injured person has his or her habitual residence in that State.]